Bright lights can be blindingly distracting for other drivers
By: Jasmin Dinh and Sofia Saavedra Youthcast Media Group ® We often think of distracted driving in terms of texting or talking on your...
Bright lights can be blindingly distracting for other drivers
SEPTA delays result in unexcused absences, stress and anxiety for Philly students
Teens say distracted driving messages need to be catchier, more frequent and blunt
Avoiding distracted driving is a bigger challenge for people with ADHD
Snapchat, texts stole a driver’s attention and cost a state trooper his life
Driving while ADHD: Medication was the answer for one teen driver
Teen drivers feel unprepared to hit the road alone
COVID-19 pandemic leaves ‘transportation deserts’ even more barren
Public transit woes hit low-income families hardest